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2024 年 1 月 18 日, CECES幼聯宣布將推行海洋科技教育項目。香港VR AR協會很高興成為其中一個幼聯學界啟動禮支持機構。

繼去年年底在BAM 2023活動由本協會主持的SET Talk論壇,並邀請CECES和HTC VIVE參加分享之後,這是新的2024年一個很好的開始。 我們期待繼續與CECES合作,並祝賀他們的啟動儀式。

CECES今天不僅提供豐富的課外活動項目,還計劃與專業團隊合作,透過科學和創新技術為孩子們提供超越學校課程的學習機會。 特別是在21世紀,全球暖化和海水酸化等環境問題已成為迫在眉睫的挑戰,對海洋生物的生存造成了嚴重威脅,影響整個自然生態系統,甚至危及我們和下一代的生活。 因此,環境教育成為各國各地的重要任務,需要從幼兒時期開始。 隨著數位時代的到來,整合科技以向新一代傳遞訊息變得更加重要。 CECES相信這一點,並與許多有著相似信念的合作夥伴合作,推動了今天教育計畫的啟動。

CECES的海洋科技教育計畫只是一個開始。 未來,他們將繼續與更多優秀的專業團隊合作,與公共和私營機構合作,為孩子們提供探索和學習的機會,超越學校課程的範疇,透過科學和創新技術為香港年輕一代的全球競爭力和永續發展做出貢獻。

香港VR AR協會歡迎有興趣的公司和機構加入共創計劃,共同開創教育的未來。


On January 18, 2024, CECES had a kick-off ceremony of the CECES and Archireef OceanTech Education Programme launch among guests, partners, and supporting organizations.

The Hong Kong Association for VR AR is delighted to be one of the supporting organizations. Following the SET Talk forum hosted by the association at the BAM 2023 event at the end of last year, we invited CECES and HTC VIVE as our panelists. The panel title was “Tech-tastic, Innovative, and Sustainable: Let's SET the Future!” Today’s ceremony became a great start to the new year of 2024. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with CECES and congratulate them on their launch ceremony.

Today, CECES not only offers a rich variety of extracurricular activities but also plans to collaborate with professional teams to provide learning opportunities beyond the school curriculum for children through science and innovative technology. Especially in the 21st century, environmental issues such as global warming and ocean acidification have become urgent challenges, posing a serious threat to the survival of marine life and affecting the entire natural ecosystem, even endangering our lives and the lives of future generations. Therefore, environmental education has become an important mission in countries around the world, starting from early childhood. With the advent of the digital age, integrating technology to transmit messages to the next generation has become even more important. CECES believes in this and has collaborated with many partners who share similar beliefs to launch today's educational program.

CECES's ocean technology education program is just the beginning. In the future, they will continue to collaborate with more outstanding professional teams and work with public and private institutions to provide opportunities for exploration and learning for children, going beyond the scope of school curriculum, and contributing to the global competitiveness and sustainable development of Hong Kong's younger generation through science and innovative technology.

The Hong Kong Association for VR AR is welcoming interested companies and organizations to join the co-create program and set the future in education together.


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